
Our Pricing Plans

Basic Package


  • Customer Relationship Management ERP

  • Basic Customizations (Name Logo Addition Slider)

  • 1 Year Service will be given by Company

  • Facebook Page Creation

  • 10 Facebook Advertisements (Design + Posting )

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Popular Package


  • Customer Relationship Management ERP

  • Thematic Customization(Color- Font-Text- Image)

  • Domain will be Purchased by us for 1 year.

  • 1 Year service will be given by Company

  • Facebook Page Creation

  • Instagram Page Creation

  • 20 Facebook Advertisements (Design + Posting )

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Premium Package


  • Customer Relationship Management ERP

  • Mobile Application.

  • Photo Shoot of Premises / Team & Services.

  • Thematic Customization(Color-Font-Text- Image)

  • Domain will be Purchased by us for 1 year.

  • 1 Year service will be given by Company

  • Google Bussiness Listing

  • Optimized Content on Website

  • Facebook Page Creation

  • Instagram Page Creation

  • 30 Facebook Advertisements (Design + Posting )

  • 2 Video Advertisement(60 to 90 Sec each.)

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